Child located safe, FBI arrests suspect, Deana Gamba-Anderson
Roseville, Calif. Search cancelled. SUspect Arrested. An arrest warrant for child abduction, serviceable nationwide, has been issued for non-custodial parent Deana Gamba-Anderson. The Polly Klaas Foundation, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and the Vanished Children’s Alliance have all assembled flyers and have disseminated them across the United States. A copy of the flyer issued by the Polly Klaas Foundation is available here.
Deana Gamba-Anderson is a 40 year-old female, 5 feet 5 inches tall, and 200 pounds. She has wavy brown shoulder-length hair and blue eyes. Daria is 6 years old, 4 feet tall and 52 pounds with brown hair and blue eyes, missing her two front teeth.
On Sunday, July 15, 2007, Daniel Gamba discovered that his ex-wife, Deana Gamba-Anderson had moved out of her Roseville apartment and had taken Daria Gamba with her. Daria’s whereabouts are currently unknown. It is believed Deana may have fled the state with Daria in order to conceal her from her father.
Anyone who has information about this incident is asked to call the Roseville Police Department Investigations Division at (916) 774-5070.