Roseville, Calif.- Is there an arrest warrant out there with your name on it? Why not take care of it before the new year?
If you were arrested in the past for DUI or any other crime, and missed your court date, the court has probably issued a warrant for you. There is an alternative to waiting for that dreaded knock on your door. Sgt. Michael Doane, the Roseville Police Department traffic unit supervisor, said, “If you live in Roseville and think you might have a warrant, call us and arrange to take care of it. In many cases you can be booked and released here at the police department in a few minutes, and issued a new court date. You can take care of warrants on your own schedule, rather than having an officer surprise you at home or while you are driving somewhere with your family.”
Some warrants require the posting of bail. Wanted persons may want to contact a bail bondsman and make bail arrangements in advance.
On Friday evening, November 17, Roseville Police Department officers conducted a warrant sweep for DUI (driving under the influence) offenders. Two Roseville residents who had outstanding DUI warrants were arrested at their homes and taken to jail.
Sgt. Doane said that more warrant sweeps are planned. “Currently there are about 75 Roseville residents who have DUI bench warrants. This means they were arrested some time ago on suspicion of DUI, and then failed to show up in court at their appointed time. Thanks to a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, we can dedicate more resources to serving these warrants and holding suspected DUI offenders accountable.”For more information about clearing warrants, call the Roseville Police Department Jail at (916)774-5060.
Funding for Roseville’s DUI warrant sweeps was provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.