Roseville, Calif.- Due to increasing costs of securing our water supply and decreasing revenues due to lower water use, the City of Roseville is implementing a temporary 15% rate adjustment in the form of a drought surcharge to be included on water billings as of June 15, 2014. This adjustment will be applied only to customer’s water usage. The cost to the average residential water customer will be about $2 per month.
This increase is needed to keep our community-owed water utility financially stable through this unprecedented drought. With almost three months of declining revenue and increased costs, the water utilities financial reserves are no longer able to cover this deficit.
Costs are increasing for many reasons – water is scarcer and more expensive. The drought has also required us to expand our water conservation programs, invest in operation of our back-up groundwater wells, and build new wells as water from Folsom Lake has become much less reliable due to an unprecedented drought.