Local Water Conservation
A Roseville school district recently completed a project that is expected to save a lot of water.ย
Most recently, staff replaced thousands of square feet of turf at the Roseville Joint Union Unified High school District offices on Cirby Way, thanks in part to the City’s Cash for Grass Program.
This program, open to both residents and business owners, offers rebates for removing lawns and replacing them with water-friendly landscapes.
“This project allowed us to kill two birds with one stone,” said Joe Landon, Executive Director of Business Services for the Roseville Joint Unified High School District. “Now that the project is complete, we can expect to save a lot water and also lower the maintenance required to maintain a lush landscape.”
The project took 2 months to complete. And, even on a limited budget, Landon says they were able to hire an outstanding landscape professional and achieve the intended results of the project. The district replaced nearly 4,000 square feet of turf with water wise landscaping.
“Kate Bowers, a local landscape designer, provided us with a great plan, hands on advice, and identified plants on the City’s plant list,” Landon explained.
“I was excited to help update their landscape, which was a very typical example of 20-30 year old landscaping that is not only higher water, but also requires a lot more maintenance than a more natural, lower-water design,” Bowers said.
The City’s Cash for Grass program allowed the district to use the funding to offset the cost of the project. The school district received a $2,500 rebate to remove the turf. And, Landon indicated that the process was seamless.
“The application process was easy to tackle,” Landon said. “Our maintenance staff contacted the City and they helped us with the application and provided assistance and recommendations along the way. They definitely wanted a project that saved water and they helped get us there.”
The district says that they are looking at other ways to save water and meet their conservation goals, including looking at other sites as funding becomes available.
For more information about the City’s Cash for Grass program, visit https://www.roseville.ca.us/cms/One.aspx?portalId=7964922&pageId=10126299
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