Teen Social Club
Ages: 1218; Fridays, 9/12, 10/24, 11/14, 12/12; 6:30 8:30pm
Buljan Intermediate School Student Union
Fee: $10 / $8 Resident Discount
Social Skills Through Drama
Ages: 7-15; Fridays, 9/12 — 10/3
4 weeks; 3:30-5:30pm
Maidu Community Center
Fee: $109 / $99 Resident Discount
Adaptive Playground Games, Skills & Sports
Ages: 611; Tuesdays, 10/7 — 10/28; 4 weeks; 4:00 5:00pm
Maidu Community Center
Fee: $45 / $39 Resident Discount
Horsin’ Around On The Ranch
Saturday, 10/25; 2:154:15pm
Riding High, 11685 Lorenson Rd., Auburn
Fee: $35 / $29 Resident Discount
Early Registration Recommended!
Roseville Parks & Recreation Adaptive Recreation Programs
To register, please call 774-5950, 5990 or 5505
Adaptive Recreation Hotline (916) 774-5975
Marcy Spina, Program Coordinator.
(21+ years strong)
Welcome to the brighter side!