William Jessup University ranked 7th as one of the fastest growing
Rocklin, Calif. – In a 10-year snapshot study conducted by the Chronicle of Higher Education, William Jessup University ranked 7th as one of the fastest growing (in enrollment) universities among the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities member schools, and all private, nonprofit, Christian schools in the country. The university ranked first among CCCU schools in California. In 2005, fall enrollment was 532: by 2015, it climbed to 1,161 reflecting a 118.2 percent increase.
“The entire Jessup community celebrates both the reception by our region to Jessup and for the recognition of our efforts by this national publication,” said Jessup’s President John Jackson. “Continued growth and maturity of our programs should allow the region to be even better served by Jessup in the years to come.”
The growing university began its 2017-18 academic year August 21 with yet another year of enrollment growth. Nearly 1500 students are slated to attend the Sacramento regions’ only WASC accredited private four-year Christian Liberal Arts University. Of those, over 275 are graduate students.
Jessup’s graduate programs reflect a 78 percent increase in enrollment since it first offered a Master of Arts in Teaching just three years ago.
Jessup has continued to broaden and develop facilities as well as academic and athletic programs. Later this academic year, the university will offer a fifth graduate program, a Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology. The new 63-unit program has been approved by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences. Other programs include a Master of Arts in Business Administration, Education, Leadership and Teaching.
William Jessup’s enrollment is up 13 percent over last year’s fall census totals reporting over 1480 current students. As Jessup continues to expand its’ reach, incoming students are represented from across the United States and internationally. Nearly 25 international students hailing from China, India and South Korea now call the 125-acre campus home.
Four of the largest majors declared by students are Business, Liberal Studies (Teacher Education), Natural and Applied Sciences (Biology, Computer Science, Environmental Science, Kinesiology, Math) and Psychology. William Jessup University offers 22 majors and over 50 concentrations in addition to an accelerated degree program geared for working professionals known as the School of Professional Studies.
Jessup’s expanding athletic program is part of the Golden State Athletic Conference. This year, approximately 260 student athletes are on campus. The Warriors sponsor 12 conference sports. Men and women’s sports include cross-country, soccer, basketball, track and field, as well as men’s golf, baseball, women’s softball and volleyball.
Jessup students are not only encouraged to grow spiritually, they are challenged academically and become exceptionally employable. According to a university survey, within six months of graduating, 94 percent had obtained full or part-time employment or were enrolled in graduate school.
Founded in 1939, the university was established in San Jose, Calif., and known as San Jose Bible College when it opened its’ doors with just 14 students on September 20 that year. In 1989, the name was changed to San Jose Christian College and later became William Jessup in 2004 when the university relocated to Rocklin and broadened academic programs in a variety of disciplines.