PG&E Public Safety Power Shutoff Information
Rocklin, CA- PG&E has announced it will turn off power to large portions of the City of Rocklin and Placer County because of a heightened fire risk due to gusty winds and dry conditions forecasted to start Wednesday, October 9.
The Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) will begin early Wednesday morning, with estimated restoration times of up to 5 days. Residents are encouraged to visit the PG&E website for more information and answers to frequently asked questions on PSPS.
City of Rocklin Information
City Business Operations
City of Rocklin business operations will continue at the highest levels possible during the PG&E PSPS. Currently, PG&E data shows Rocklin’s City Hall (3970 Rocklin Rd.), and Parks and Recreation offices (5460 5th St.) and venues will not be affected. Both locations will operate during normal business hours.
Rocklin Emergency Services
The Police Department and Fire Department locations are equipped with generators and will function at full capacity to serve the needs of residents, whether or not PG&E service is available.
The Rocklin Police Department non emergency phone line is (916) 625-5400 and the lobby at 4080 Rocklin Road is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday-Friday. For emergencies, call 9-1-1.
The Rocklin Fire Department administrative business phone line is (916) 625-5300 and is staffed from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. For emergencies, call 9-1-1.
Please do not call 911 for information. Check the City website or Facebook page, and refer to the PG&E website for the most up to date information on the power outage.
Rocklin Public Services
The Rocklin Public Services headquarters at 4081 Alvis Ct. is equipped with generators and on-site fuel tanks to serve city vehicles, including police and fire vehicles. In case of a power outage at Rocklin City Hall, which is currently not anticipated, Public Services may serve as a backup location for limited City business services to the public.
Streets Lights and Traffic Control
The City’s major intersections are equipped with backup batteries that will operate the intersections in flashing red during a power outage for a period of time. However, if you encounter a traffic signal that is dark/nonoperational, then per the California Vehicle Code, the intersection is treated as an all-way stop. Motorists should follow all rules of the road and use caution in their travels and treat a dark traffic signal as a stop sign.
Water, Sewer and Garbage
Water, sewer and garbage services will continue with normal operations.
Community Resources
It is anticipated that PG&E will open a customer resource center at the Gold Country Fairgrounds in Auburn starting Wednesday morning and operating daily from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. until power is turned back on. PG&E’s centers will offer charging ports for up to 100 people at a time and bottled water only.
Gold Country Fairgrounds & Event Center
(530) 823-4533
1273 High Street
Auburn, CA 95603
Other Tips for PSPS
Fuel up, charge up and cash up as banks and gas stations may not have power.
Backup charging methods: For phones and keep hard copies of emergency numbers.
Medical needs: Make a plan for any medications that need to be refrigerated or devices that require power and speak with a medical provider on what might be needed.
Pets: Plan for the needs of pets and livestock, food, water, medicine, identification tags and collars, medical records, photos, etc.
EMERGENCY KIT: Be ready to go with food, water, flashlights, fresh batteries, first aid supplies, radio and cash.
Emergency meeting location: Designate an emergency meeting location in case of separation from loved ones or need for safety.
Know: How to manually open garage doors.
Backup generators: Ensure they are ready to safely operate, i.e., fuel, location near home, etc.
Identify: Any unique needs of your family and loved ones in the area for your emergency plan.
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