The Rocklin Police Department will soon be conducting our annual weapons destruction. The Property and Evidence Unit will be destroying an accumulation of firearms. The 79 guns that have been slated to be destroyed were seized during criminal investigations which have since been adjudicated, when an individual has threatened to harm himself/herself, and during domestic violence incidents. Some weapons were also given to the Rocklin Police Department by citizens who just wanted them to be destroyed.
The firearms include pistols, rifles, and shotguns. There are many different calibers of weapons as well, including 9mm, .45 and 22s.
The destruction of firearms is accomplished by melting the metal and using the end product to construct pipes.
The last firearm destruction by the Rocklin Police Department was done in December of 2005. The firearms will be made available for media photography purposes prior to destruction.
Additionally, the Rocklin Police Department will be purging its Property and Evidence of illegal drugs that were seized over the last two years. The contraband drugs include heroine, methamphetamine, cocaine and marijuana.
The destruction of the drugs is done by an incinerator in a federally approved facility.
The illegal drugs consist of over 1,000 items.