Rocklin Police Department detectives arrested a sex registrant after he was released from prison less than a week before.
As sex registrants move into the City of Rocklin and register with the police department, Rocklin detectives make it a point to interview each one to make sure that the registrant has a full understanding as to what limitations they have on them. Some of the registrants are on parole which means they may have even stricter limitations or terms as a condition of their parole.
On Wednesday, July 19th, Detective Brad Alford interviewed Robert Wells Jr., 28 years, who came to the police department to register. He was released from prison less than a week earlier.
During the interview, Detective Alford discovered that Wells was living in an area in which children live, congregate, and play. A check of his parole conditions revealed that living in such an area was a violation of parole terms.
Detective Alford arrested Wells for violation of his parole terms shortly thereafter in a different apartment complex that Wells was visiting. Kids also live, congregate, and play in that apartment complex.
Wells was arrested for violating his parole and was booked at the Placer County Jail without bail.