Tuskegee Airmen

Wednesday, February 8 in Rocklin

Rocklin, Calif.- As part of commemorating Black History Month, the Tuskegee Airmen Heritage Chapter of Greater Sacramento Living History team will share information about the Tuskegee Airmen by providing facts, statistics, and personal historical perspectives on their true history and legacy.

Please join us for this presentation given by Heritage members (the direct descendants of Documented Original Tuskegee Airmen – DOTA) and other qualified members to speak about the difficulties and contributions of the first black military aviators and their fight, vision, and hopes for the future.

We were contacted by Leigh Roberts, the youngest daughter of the Commander of the Tuskegee Airmen during World War II: Major George “Spanky” Roberts. They are of Melungeon descent (an ethnicity from the Southeastern United States who descend from Europeans, Native American, and sub-Saharan Africans) from an Appalachian coal-mining family. The Commander retired as a ‘Full Bird’ from McClellan in 1968 and many Tuskegee Airmen from McClellan and Mather Air Force Bases retired in Placer County. Did you know that several of the Tuskegee Airmen marched with Dr. King?

In addition to the presentation, a basket will be available for donations to this non-profit organization’s goal to provide scholarships to graduating seniors interested in STEM or STEAM programs and single parents returning to school. They also raise money for their scholarships by selling Tuskegee Airmen memorabilia before and after presentations.

Please join us as we commemorate Black History Month with this amazing story of courage and heroism presented by some of the local Tuskegee Airmen descendants.

We’ll gather at 7 pm on Wednesday, February 8 at:

Rocklin Parks & Recreation Office Building – Senior Activity Room
5460 5th Street
Rocklin, CA 95677

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