Friday, February 7, 2025
47.3 F

Rocklin curbside recycling at work

If you think Rocklin doesn’t recycle, think again! Recycling in Rocklin is easy and effective. Residents fill One Big Bin with all household garbage (food waste, cans, bottles, newspapers, etc.).  The local Materials Recovery Facility (MFR) sorts and recycles it for you.

The information below is compiled from, a collaborative effort between the Western Placer Waste Management Authority, the City of Roseville and Placer County.

How it works:

Step 1. Dispose
Ever wondered why you don’t have a recycle bin? In Placer County, we have One Big Bin and its called that for a good reason because the majority of the garbage is taken to a Materials Recovery Facility where many recyclables are separated from the garbage.

Step 2. Transport
In Placer County the trash and recyclables in your One Big Bin are collected curbside by either a contract hauler or by your city and transported to the MRF.  The trash and recyclables are weighted and dumped onto the receiving floor.

Step 3. MRF
The MRF receives roughly 1,000 tons of commercial and residential garbage on a typical weekday – that’s 2 million pounds of garbage each weekday!  The trash and recyclables go through a series of mechanical and manual sorting processes to separate materials by size and then by type.

The machines and equipment are engineered to efficiently sort recyclable materials from non-recyclable trash. In 2008 the MRF recovered enough recyclable material to fill an area the size of a football field stacked 400 feet high.

Step 4. Landfill
Non-recyclable trash is transported to the landfill.  The landfill sits on a comprehensive liner system to protect the soil and groundwater below and the trash is methodically placed to maximize its capacity and useful life.

This method has achieved high recycling rates for Rocklin.

Brighter Side


Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy

As we age, we approach the "pausal" years. For women, it's known as Menopause. For men, it's known as Andropause. During these transitional times in life, it's as if the sex glands go into retirement and there can be a lot of changes,

Placer Conservation Authority takes step toward securing 4,245 acres of land easement acquisitions north of Lincoln

Auburn, Calif. - Approximately 4,245 acres of prime farmland, natural open space and environmental resources north of Lincoln is a step closer to being secured in perpetuity as part of the Placer County Conservation Program.

Boot Juice and Blü Egyptian in Auburn at Foothills Fillmore Feb 22

Auburn, Calif.- Keep Smilin' Promotions is bringing the much sought after Boot Juice to the Foothill Fillmore. The co-billed event also includes Blü Egyptian which has been described as "somewhere where Jimi Hendrix, Jerry Garcia, Joe Satriani & Buckethead are all infused in a Talking Heads state of mind."

Rocklin Unified and Rocklin Teachers Professional Association reach tentative agreement

Rocklin, Calif. - The Rocklin Unified School District (RUSD) and the California School Employees Association (CSEA), Chapter #773, are pleased to announce a tentative agreement for the 2024-25 academic year.

Placer County takes action to preserve Vista Ranch

Lincoln, Calif. - A 279-acre property of blue oak woodlands along the south shore of Camp Far West Reservoir and the Bear River north of Lincoln is a step closer to being added to the Placer County Conservation Program.


Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy

As we age, we approach the "pausal" years. For women, it's known as Menopause. For men, it's known as Andropause. During these transitional times in life, it's as if the sex glands go into retirement and there can be a lot of changes,

Placer Conservation Authority takes step toward securing 4,245 acres of land easement acquisitions north of Lincoln

Auburn, Calif. - Approximately 4,245 acres of prime farmland, natural open space and environmental resources north of Lincoln is a step closer to being secured in perpetuity as part of the Placer County Conservation Program.

Boot Juice and Blü Egyptian in Auburn at Foothills Fillmore Feb 22

Auburn, Calif.- Keep Smilin' Promotions is bringing the much sought after Boot Juice to the Foothill Fillmore. The co-billed event also includes Blü Egyptian which has been described as "somewhere where Jimi Hendrix, Jerry Garcia, Joe Satriani & Buckethead are all infused in a Talking Heads state of mind."

Rocklin Unified and Rocklin Teachers Professional Association reach tentative agreement

Rocklin, Calif. - The Rocklin Unified School District (RUSD) and the California School Employees Association (CSEA), Chapter #773, are pleased to announce a tentative agreement for the 2024-25 academic year.

Placer County takes action to preserve Vista Ranch

Lincoln, Calif. - A 279-acre property of blue oak woodlands along the south shore of Camp Far West Reservoir and the Bear River north of Lincoln is a step closer to being added to the Placer County Conservation Program.

Wells Fargo Bank in Roseville on Douglas Blvd

Wells Fargo Bank on Douglas Blvd in Roseville. Lobby hours are Mon-Fri 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Sat 9:00 AM-12:00 PM. Closed on Sundays.

Ultimate Staffing in Roseville

Ultimate Staffing in Roseville. Employment agency that places temporary, temp-to-hire and direct hire positions.

Sutter Imaging Roseville Parkway

Sutter Imaging Roseville Parkway. Offering a range of powerful diagnostic tools, including ultrasounds, MRIs and X-rays.

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