In these tough economic times the Rocklin City Council recognizes the hardships that local businesses are experiencing. Temporary signage, such as a banner, is an inexpensive and effective way to promote a business’ products and services.
Based on the recommendation from the Rocklin Chamber of Commerce, the Rocklin City Council has recently approved changes to the restrictions on banner and a-frame signs.
No Permits Required for Banners, A-Frame Signs
Starting May 14, 2009 businesses are no longer required to obtain a temporary sign permit in order to place a banner over their storefront or place an A-frame sign in front of their business. Banners are still restricted to a maximum size of 32 square feet or smaller.
In addition, the time limit of 90-days in a calendar year has been waived and these types of temporary signs can be displayed year-round.
These new rules are effective until June 1, 2010.
Which Signs Still Require a Permit?
Freestanding temporary signs and special advertising devices (balloons, pennants, wind-walkers, etc.) still require the approval of a temporary sign permit. Freestanding temporary signs can only be displayed 90-days in a calendar year and special advertising devices can only be displayed 14-days in a calendar year.
For more information on these new regulations or on obtaining a temporary sign permit for a freestanding temporary sign or special advertising device please contact the Planning Division at 916.625.5160 or in person at the public counter located on the first floor of the City of Rocklin Administrative Building at 3970 Rocklin Rd. in Rocklin.