On Tuesday, October 9th, 2007, at about 11:15 PM, Rocklin Police Officers responded to the SAFE Credit Union at 6190 Stanford Ranch Rd. in response to a robbery with a handgun that had just occurred.
Responding officers discovered that a courier, who had been making a drop-through-door delivery to the credit union, was approached by two subjects who demanded the courier’s bag, his wallet, and car keys. The subjects were wearing all black clothing and motorcycle helmets. They used a handgun of unknown description. The subjects then fled on foot towards an apartment complex and, according to witness statements, jumped onto a motorcycle and fled the scene.
A crime broadcast was immediately put out via radio and a Rocklin Police Department officer spotted the two subjects on a single motorcycle on westbound I-80 near Douglas Blvd. A pursuit was initiated but the motorcyclists were able to avoid capture. Placer County allied agencies as well as Sacramento allied agencies assisted in the search for the subjects.
The only descriptions of the suspects are that both were 5’6″ to 5’9″ in height and approximately 140-160 pounds in weight. Both were wearing red and white helmets, all black clothing, and one of the subjects was carrying a dark backpack.
Anyone with information about this crime is asked to call the Rocklin Police Department at (916)625-5400.