Northern California Behavioral Health FAQ
Rocklin, Calif.- The City of Rocklin has offered up a list of frequently answered questions regarding the Northern California Behavioral Health Hospital proposed for Rocklin.
According to the city, the answers are based on information provided by Universal Health Services, Inc.
What is the proposed Northern California Behavioral Health Hospital?
The Northern California Behavioral Health Hospital will be a full-service and secure 58,000 sq. ft., 102-bed behavioral health facility and a center of support for patients and their families. The facility may also include a separate 6,400 square foot administrative medical office building in the future.
The hospital will offer a comprehensive range of behavioral health services for veterans, children, adolescents and adults including, but not limited to, acute inpatient behavioral healthcare, partial hospitalization, outpatient and residential treatment programs dedicated to addiction and chemical dependency, bipolar disorders, anxiety, depression, geriatric needs, post-traumatic stress disorder, mood disorders, psychosis, suicidal ideation, and specialty programs for autism spectrum disorders. The facility will serve non-violent, non-criminal patients for short-term stays. This will not be a facility for the criminally insane.
While the hospital will treat involuntary civil committed patients, those committed by the Criminal Justice System will go to specialized forensic facilities (not this one). This facility will not be a jail or prison. It will be a health care facility, and the sole mission is to provide intensive treatment.
The number of intake patients arriving per day is expected to average 10 -12 for this size facility and the average stay is expected to be 9 days per patient.
Where will the hospital be located?
The hospital will be located on a 7-acre vacant parcel within the Orchard Creek Business Park, in Northwest Rocklin, on West Ranch View Drive, near the intersection of University Avenue. It is immediately adjacent and west of the Rocklin Senior Living Assisted Living Project. Since 2002 (and prior to homes built in the immediate area), the property has been zoned Planned Development Business Professional / Commercial (PD-BP/C). The General Plan designation is Business Professional (BP). The PD-BP/C zone allows hospital uses subject to the approval of a conditional use permit.
What type of security will be provided at the hospital?
Adequate security measures are in place in accordance with industry standards as confirmed by Rocklin Planning and Public Safety. The facility will be subject to regulations and monitoring by state, federal and local agencies.
To keep patients safe, the facility will include the following measures:
- All patients will be supervised 24-hours-a-day and physically seen by staff every 15 minutes.
- All exterior doors and outside areas will be on a magnetic lock system that requires a key to enter and exit.
- Patients will always be escorted by staff if they leave the building.
- Security cameras will be installed in all facilities.
- The facility will meet or exceed industry-wide safety standards.
How will patients be released?
Patients will be released to family members or care providers. For the most part, they will return to where they came from or to an appropriate placement. Patients are under the direct care of a physician who, along with a multi-disciplinary treatment team, will develop an individualized discharge plan for each patient.
How will this project benefit the community?
This facility will provide much-needed behavioral health services to our Rocklin community members, including our veterans, youth and adults. The facility will have the capacity to serve 100 – 120 community members in need of care each month. Presently, there are no behavioral health hospitals in the Placer County area. The closest full-service and secure behavioral hospitals are in Yuba City and Sacramento.
Universal Healthcare Services, Inc. (UHS) will operate the hospital. The behavioral facilities of UHS have consistently served as a significant resource to the military community. UHS has developed and supported programs in response to the needs demonstrated by military installations and VA hospitals. UHS currently operates programs specifically designed for active duty service members, families and veterans.
They provide comprehensive programming for the treatment of chemical dependency and an array of behaviorally based issues including psychiatric crisis stabilization, complex trauma, post-traumatic stress, sexual trauma, behavioral pain management and rehabilitation services. UHS has partnered with Herschel Walker and his “Anti-Stigma” campaign to mental health. Herschel provides a strong message: “It’s ok to ask for help.” As a Heisman trophy winner, professional athlete, businessman, and author, Herschel is a national spokesman for UHS. He has broken free from his own shame related to mental illness and now provides emotional and motivational support to service members, veterans and military families. Herschel stated, “People think that being in the hospital is a sign of weakness…but the Herschel Walker who was in the hospital is the same Herschel Walker who did all of the great things on the football field.”
UHS leaders have stated that it is their intention to be an active partner with the community. They will participate in and sponsor local events, particularly those related to behavioral health.
What will the hospital look like?
The proposed facility has been designed to be attractive and blend with the surrounding environment. Construction will be from traditional California materials (stucco with cultured stone) and styling to complement the surrounding residential and business community architecture. Sloped roof elements, trellises, green wall treatments, and a mix of materials and colors will enhance the residential feel of the project. The interior of the hospital will contain semi-private rooms, a nurses’ station, staff offices, day room, quiet rooms and other ancillary spaces to meet all requirements for a state licensed facility. Patient dining and recreation spaces will also be provided. The facility will include landscaped areas and secure courtyards for patient recreation and reflection.
The grounds of the facility will be landscaped with native California plants that will complement the natural beauty of the Rocklin and the northern California foothills, as well as reduce water consumption. Storm water runoff created by the construction of impervious surface of structures and parking lots will be captured and treated on site through the use of vegetated swales and other natural devices to minimize the impact on the local storm water handling system, as well as native creeks and streams.
How much traffic will be generated by the hospital?
Patient visitors to behavioral hospitals are not as common as a regular hospital. Most often only one-half of the patients ever have visitors. Unlike a typical hospital, behavioral hospitals experience few vehicle trips due to patient arrivals and visitors, and as a result, the majority of vehicles travelling to and from the facility on a daily basis are from employees during their 8-hour shifts.
What is the process for vetting the project and determining appropriate conditions to mitigate any real impact?
The Planning Commission of the City of Rocklin will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers at the Rocklin City Hall Building, 3970 Rocklin Road, Rocklin, beginning at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, November 17, 2015 to consider the request for approval of a Design Review, Tentative Parcel Map, Conditional Use Permit, and Variance to allow the construction of the 58,000 sq. ft. behavior health hospital.