The National Meals on Wheels Association presented its annual “Mayors for Meals” day on Wednesday, March 18, 2009. City of Rocklin Mayor Peter Hill participated in delivering meals in Rocklin along with Seniors First volunteers Ann Oliver, Janna Gerard, Therese Workman, Chuck Lindal, and Tony Micheals.
The goal of the National Meals on Wheels Association is that “no senior go hungry.” Meals provide 1/3 of the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for adults, are low in fat and prepared with no added salt. Food is served hot and ready-to-eat in aluminum containers. Seniors can use a conventional oven or toaster oven to reheat. No seniors will be denied a meal if unable to donate the recommended three dollars per meal.
To be eligible for this program, seniors must be Placer County residents, 60 years or older, homebound, unable to drive and unable to prepare meals.
The local Meals on Wheels program has operated in the Rocklin area for fifteen years and currently serves 45-50 seniors in Rocklin.
About Seniors First
The local Meals on Wheels program is put on by Seniors First, a non-profit organization that serves as a resource for senior services. Seniors First offers several services in Placer County, including Meals on Wheels.
The City of Rocklin is in partnership with Seniors First by providing financial assistance to the organization.
To volunteer for Meals on Wheels or to check eligibility call 530.889.9500 X206.