Roseville, CA – Rescued from the dark world of adult movies, ex-porn actress Shelley Lubben speaks with college and high-school age students at Adventure Church in Roseville on Sunday, November 15th. In what should be an eye-opening talk, Lubben will share her personal experiences while inside the industry, as well as how she retired and her ongoing effort to coax others out and dissuade those contemplating pornography as a career.
According to Lubben, I was a porn star living the glamorous life: drug overdoses, herpes, suicide attempts and abuse on the porn set. I nearly died, but by the grace of God I survived. Many didn’t.
The student ministry’s November Series Resonate: God Unrated: Taking Off Church Censors addresses sex-addiction. Student leader Richard Jett says, It’s a delicate subject that we are dealing with head-on. With pornography in the United States estimated at $13 billion, and roughly 11 million regular online viewers being teenagers, Jett thinks an effective way to address the issue with his students is to put a human face to its affects. Shelley is one of its most visible, and vocal detractors.
Based on Lubben’s faith-based Pink Cross Foundation website, 66% of porn stars have herpes, 75%-90% of performers are prostituted women, the largest group viewing online pornography is ages 12 to 17. Shelley’s goal is to educate kids on the unseen side of adult movies, strip away the glamour and expose the industry, what it represents, the hidden and demoralizing activities.
Lubben talk will start at 7:30 PM at Adventure Christian Church, 6401 Stanford Ranch Rd., in Roseville.
The free presentation is open to all high-school and college students aged 18 to 24.
About Adventure Christian Church
Begun in 1993 Rick Stedman and his wife Amy, started Adventure Christian Church with a pamphlet Rick wrote, How to Drug Proof Your Kids, handing it out at a folding table in front of Wal*Mart with no money, no land and no core group. Today Adventure holds services for more than 4,500 at two weekend services every Sunday at the growing Roseville campus that includes not only the church facility, but Adventure Christian School.
(21+ years strong)
Welcome to the brighter side!