Auburn, Calif. – For the second time in as many meetings, the Placer County Water Agency (PCWA) Board of Directors extended a local emergency declaration for storm related damage in the area of the Agency’s Middle Fork Project.
The unanimous vote by the Board, at its March 16 meeting, authorizes the Agency to enter into contracts to protect, access, inspect, and repair Agency property and facilities without a formal Board vote on specific projects. The vote follows an identical vote on March 2.
“The magnitude of damage caused by winter storms requires that the Agency be able to act quickly when conditions are favorable,” General Manager Einar Maisch said. “In accordance with the law, the Board needs to reconsider the declaration at every subsequent meeting to determine whether or not to continue the emergency.”
PCWA staff has identified road damage and sediment build up in the American River as the most extensive damage. Winter rains caused a number of landslides, some of which continue to restrict road access to some PCWA facilities. Crews have used recent dry weather to clear access and implement measures to help stabilize the ground. Work also is being done to remove sediment in the vicinity of PCWA hydropower facilities. PCWA anticipates more cleanup in the future with still six weeks to go in the traditional rainy season.
PCWA board meetings are open to the public.
For information on PCWA board meetings, please contact the Clerk to the Board at (530) 823-4850 or (800) 464-0030.