Auburn, Calif. – The Placer County Water Agency (PCWA) Board of Directors recently approved two resolutions to apply for state funds that may ultimately assist two rural communities within Placer County with safe and reliable drinking water supplies.
The first resolution authorizes PCWA to submit an application to the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) for financial assistance for the consolidation of the Dutch Flat Mutual Water Company (DFM) with PCWA. The consolidation would likely unfold in two phases. The first phase would allow for the delivery of treated water from PCWA’s Alta water treatment plant to DFM’s water system. This would allow DFM’s water treatment plant to be decommissioned. The second phase consists of replacing all distribution pipes and meters currently in DFM’s service area.
The second resolution also authorizes PCWA to submit an application to the SWRCB for financial assistance for a proposed pipeline within the Duncan Hill Road area near Auburn. This proposed interconnection pipeline between PCWA’s Auburn water system on Millertown Road and its Foothilll water system on Ophir Road would allow for service of treated water to residents within this rural area.
“As the primary water resource agency for Placer County, we are always cognizant of opportunities to better serve the people of the County,” General Manager, Einar Maisch, said. “Should the funding be made available to PCWA, the opportunity arises to further our mission.”
PCWA board meetings are open to the public.
For information on PCWA board meetings, please contact the Clerk to the Board at (530) 823-4850 or (800) 464-0030.