Project information and notifications
Auburn, Calif. – In an effort to encourage public input for its first-ever comprehensive parks and trails master plan, Placer County has launched a new project website. Now available at, the website provides a place to obtain project information, sign up for project notifications and submit comments.
The Parks and Trails Master Plan will provide a 10-year vision for the development and operation of parks and trails in the county and is intended to reflect the recreational needs of individual communities. Because community engagement is critical to ensure the plan reflects community needs, the county is providing multiple opportunities for public input. A county-wide online survey will be released later this month, stakeholder and focus group meetings are occurring and a series of public workshops are scheduled for later in the year. The website provides another venue for interested community members to submit comments and review draft recommendations.
Input from all residents, including business owners, regional partners, seniors, students, families and youth, is important to guide the plan’s development and help the county plan for future parks and trails improvements. Throughout the 18-month project timeline, interested community members are invited to sign up for project notifications and to stay informed on the master plan’s progress. Signing up for notifications is also the best way to get quick access to the upcoming community survey.
The master plan is intended to update the county’s general plan recreational standards put in place in 1994. It will take into account new demographics and trends and offer flexibility to meet the needs of unique communities from the valley to the mountains. For instance, the plan could allow communities like Granite Bay and Loomis to meet a growing need to accommodate league sports as well as meet the needs of eastern Placer County like trails for summer and indoor recreation during the winter.
Through the plan the county will also work with neighboring agencies such as the town of Truckee, California State Parks, U.S. Forest Service and various cities and districts to develop a connected trail network throughout the region.
“This is a rare opportunity for our residents to get involved and influence how they play in Placer County for the next generation,” said Placer County Parks Administrator Andy Fisher. “We take our stewardship of resources seriously and are excited to get public input and go forward with confidence that we are investing in the highest recreational priorities that will create the best experiences and memories for our citizens and visitors. That can only happen if our communities make their voice heard.”
For more information about the plan and to sign up for project notifications, please visit
- Placer County