PCWA Board Receives Reports from North Tahoe Basin Special Districts
Auburn, Calif. – For its September 21 Board meeting, the Placer County Water Agency (PCWA) Board of Directors traveled to Squaw Valley for its annual east slope meeting.
The Squaw Valley Public Service District hosted this year’s meeting and was joined by the North Tahoe Public Utility District (NTPUD), Northstar Community Service District (NCSD), Truckee Donner Public Utility District (TDPUD), and the Tahoe City Public Utility District (TCPUD). All districts presented individual reports to the PCWA Board, and noted that record-setting winter snowfall posed the biggest challenge to operations in 2017.
Mike Geary, General Manager of the Squaw Valley Public Service District, provided the PCWA Board with an update on community projects including Palisades at Squaw, the Village at Squaw Valley, and phase 2 of the Resort at Squaw Creek. Geary also spoke about the district’s recent completion of its redundant water supply evaluation.
The NTPUD was represented by Will Stelter, Engineering and Operations Manager, who reported that the district is embarking on a number of projects near Carnelian Bay including a pump station and water tank modification. In 2018, NTPUD will undertake a main replacement project.
NCSD General Manager, Mike Staudenmayer, made a presentation on district’s WaterSmart metering program. The district’s high-tech meters have helped detect leaks within its system, which is especially important considering many of its customers’ residences are secondary, vacation properties. Staudenmayer also spoke about the district’s efforts on forest fuels reduction.
Steve Poncelet, TDPUD’s Public Information and Conservation Manager, focused his presentation on the extent of system damage caused by winter weather. Repairs on the district’s water utility totaled approximately $100,000, while maintenance on the electric utility equaled about $1.5 million. He also discussed the TDPUD’s long-term views and on water policy and energy markets, and how the District is adapting to address anticipated changes.
Tony Laliotis, Director of Utilities for TCPUD, rounded out the presentations and reported on efforts to consolidate water systems in TCPUD’s service area; currently, seventeen water systems serve about 7,600 homes and businesses. Laliotis also discussed some of the TCPUD’s capital improvement projects including the Bunker Water Tank Replacement and West Lake Tahoe Regional Water Treatment Plant.
PCWA board meetings are open to the public.
For information on PCWA board meetings, please contact the Clerk to the Board at (530) 823-4850 or (800) 464-0030.