Auburn, Calif. – The Placer County Water (PCWA) Agency Board of Directors awarded five grants totaling $70,345 to local public water purveyors at its meeting on May 18. PCWA funds the grants through its Financial Assistance Program (FAP), which assists Placer County special districts deliver water services for beneficial uses.
The awardees were selected based on recommendations by the FAP Screening Committee. The grant recipients for 2017 follow, with a brief description of each project:
Christian Valley Community Service District – Awarded $7,565 for the planning and design of its Reservoir Replacement Project (Phase 1), which will increase the District’s water supply by replacing the existing in-ground reservoir with steel tanks. Phase 1 work will produce a Radio Study, Topographical Survey, Geotech design parameters, and update the District’s 2013 Rate Study.
Foresthill Public Utility District – Awarded $30,000 to support the District’s application and environmental studies related to its water rights permit extension.
Heather Glen Community Service District – Awarded $11,360 to study the long-term costs and anticipated water rates under a consolidation with PCWA.
Tahoe City Public Utility District (TCPUD) – Awarded a combined $21,150 for two separate projects: $5,000 to study the consolidation of two private water systems with the TCPUD, and $16,150 to fund the planning and design phase of a water line connection between the TCPUD and the Madden Creek Water Company. The interconnection would provide access to a safe, secure, and secondary water source, as well as additional fire suppression volume.
PCWA board meetings are open to the public.
For information on PCWA board meetings, please contact the Clerk to the Board at (530) 823-4850 or (800) 464-0030.