Service Raises Awareness for Senior Hunger
Auburn, Calif.- Surprisingly to some, Auburn’s senior population is experiencing increasing rates of hunger making them particularly vulnerable to the adverse health effects that so often accompany a lack of proper and consistent nutrition. In fact, these food-insecure seniors are more likely to develop chronic conditions such as asthma, diabetes and heart problems.
In response, the Meals on Wheels Association of American organizes the national March for Meals campaign which raises awareness of senior nutrition programs and the impact they can have in communities around the country. An example of such a program is Seniors First, Placer County’s only senior-focused nonprofit organization. Seniors First works to increase access to nutritious food for ambulatory seniors through a comprehensive senior nutrition program that includes Senior Cafés, eight neighborhood sites where seniors can comfortably gather on weekdays for a nutritious lunch and interaction.
Seniors First will participate in March for Meals by organizing a local Community Champions Week, an opportunity for local elected officials and personalities to lend their visibility to the issue of senior hunger by serving lunch in the Café and engaging with clients during the week of March 19.
At the Senior Café at the Senior Center in Auburn, Seniors First is honored to host Mayor Bridget Powers and County Clerk-Recorder Ryan Ronco among others who will all donate their lunch hour to serve a hot meal to senior clients.
In Roseville, Seniors First Assemblyman Kevin Kiley, Councilman Scott Alvord, Police Chief Maccoun and a representative from Supervisor Robert Weygandt’s office will be on hand.
Rocklin clients will have lunch with Rocklin City Manager Rick Horst, Councilmember Jill Gayaldo, Rocklin PD Lieutenant Scott Horrillo and Sierra College President Willy Duncan.
Both Seniors First clients and staff appreciate the service of our local officials that help highlight the pressing issue of senior hunger in our area. Seniors First Executive Director Stephanie Vierstra remarked, “We are so honored that our local officials recognize the importance of providing these life-enhancing services for our seniors. Their time with us helps us work towards our goal of keeping our seniors healthy, safe and independent for as long as possible.”
Other nutrition programs offered by Seniors First include Meals on Wheels, a local contract of the national program that provides meals to needy, hungry seniors, and MyMeals, an affordable home delivery program that delivers daily noontime meals.
Seniors First is always in need of friendly, dedicated volunteers and financial support to underwrite these and other programs and services for Placer County’s elderly and their families. If you or someone you know would like to get involved and for a complete list of Community Champions volunteering throughout Placer County, please call Seniors First at (530)889-9500.