The Coalition for Auburn and Lincoln Youth is proud to introduce Kory Annonio as the new Coordinator for the Placer County Youth Commission.
Kory brings a variety of great skills to the youth commission and Placer County. He earned a Masters in Science and Health Science with an emphasis in Community Health Education and has a Bachelor’s degree in Exercise Physiology and Psychology. Kory worked extensively with parents and children at Sacramento County’s Head Start Program where he was a Health & Nutrition Specialist. Kory was also a lead Social Skills Trainer at the Job Corps where he worked with 16-24 year-old trainees to help them develop the skills needed to become productive, contributing citizens of their communities.
Kory has developed and implemented an integrated fitness curriculum for trainees that included social skills, nutrition, physical education and stress management. He looks forward to carrying on the torch of the youth commission and increasing the success of the Social Host Ordinances and the Awareness Gallery across the county by supporting and coordinating the youth efforts of our commissioners. Kory is also inspired to work with the commissioners as they explore and develop their individual passions.
To learn more, visit the Placer Youth Commission