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Pete Guisasola, current City of Rocklin Chief Building Official, was awarded the “Building Official of the Year” Award by the California Building Officials Association (CALBO) in Monterey, CA on February 13, 2009.

Pete has a long record of involvement with CALBO and is considered one of the most active and most knowledgeable Building Officials in the State.  Carlos Urrutia, Rocklin City Manager had the honor to attend the ceremony and watch Pete receive his well-deserved award.

Pete started with the City of Rocklin as it’s only Building Inspector in 1977.  He quickly acquired all the necessary certifications to become the Chief Building Official for the City of Rocklin.  Pete has stayed very active in his profession, training building inspectors, teaching various building and code related classes, and serving a year as President of CALBO.  Pete has received several awards and acclaimed recognition for his work in CALBO, the Sacramento Valley Association of Building Officials, and from the State of California. 

In past years Pete was appointed by California Governor Pete Wilson to the California Building Standards Commission. In 1998 Pete was awarded Public Sector Employee of the year award by the Placer County Economic Development Board.  Pete has had active involvement in assisting the State in writing and modifying Building Code legislation.  

Pete currently serves on the California State Architects Advisory Board. He is considered a knowledgeable inspector for compliance with American with Disabilities Act (ADA) and is regarded as one of the go-to persons by other Building Officials through out the State of California.

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