Roseville, Calif – Area residents reduced water use 15 percent in September compared to the same month in 2013, according to an analysis by the Regional Water Authority (RWA), which represents water providers in Sacramento, Placer, El Dorado, Yolo and Sutter counties.
The findings come from a review of September water use data submitted to RWA and the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board).
“The latest figures show that Sacramento-area residents are continuing to save significant amounts of water,” said RWA Water Efficiency Program Manager Amy Talbot, noting that January through September 2016, Sacramento-area residents have saved more than 23 percent compared to 2013.
The September savings figure is also in line with a 16 percent savings achieved by the Sacramento region in September 2014-a more accurate comparison than evaluating current voluntary reductions against last year’s state-mandated reductions that were enacted during the most extreme period of the drought.
“Every day, we hear new stories from residents who are making meaningful, permanent changes in the way they use water,” Talbot said, “from replacing lawn with low-water use plants to upgrading to WaterSense-labeled toilets and showerheads.”
Now, as fall turns to winter and the rainy season comes, RWA and local water providers are asking customers to turn off sprinklers for the winter season.
“Give your sprinklers a holiday, and let Mother Nature do the watering,” Talbot said. “Or, make a long-term investment in water efficiency by installing a WaterSense-labeled, weather-based sprinkler timer that automatically adjusts sprinklers according to weather conditions so you don’t have to.”
Additional water-wise tips, plus information about rebates and free services to help residents use less water, are available at
About the Regional Water Authority
RWA is a joint powers authority representing two dozen water providers and affiliates in the greater Sacramento area. Its primary mission is to help its members protect and enhance the reliability, availability, affordability and quality of water resources. RWA was awarded the national 2016 WaterSense Excellence in Education and Outreach Award for its outstanding efforts to educate Sacramento-area residents about water efficiency and the WaterSense brand.