Rocklin, Calif. – The United Auburn Indian Community (UAIC) announced today the purchase of Whitney Oaks Golf Club in Rocklin. The golf course will continue to be one of Placer County’s premier public golf destinations and the transition will be seamless.
“This was a great opportunity for us to acquire and preserve one of the finest golf courses in the region,” said David Keyser, Chairman of UAIC. “The UAIC is committed to working with the stable workforce at Whitney Oaks’ and continue to provide unparalleled service to our valued customers.”
The UAIC has immediate plans to upgrade the fleet of golf carts as well purchase new equipment to make course maintenance more energy and cost efficient. The UAIC will also engage a private design firm to assist in the some minor remodeling, and emphasizes that it only wants to the ensure the club gets a fresh feel, while maintaining the traditional, refined golf atmosphere that customers have come to appreciate and expect.
Whitney Oaks maintains a staff of 68 team members, but employs as many as 75 during peak season. Whitney Oaks Passport Golf Passes will still be available for purchase and agreements with current passholders will be honored in full.
The reestablishment of the United Auburn Indian Tribe began in the early 1990s when the Department of Interior documented the existence of a separate, cohesive band of Maidu and Miwok Indians, occupying a village on the outskirts of the City of Auburn in Placer County. A federally recognized Indian tribe, the United Auburn Indian Community is a sovereign government.