The Placer Mosquito and Vector Control District reported today that six mosquito samples and one dead bird have tested positive for West Nile virus this week.
The mosquito samples were collected from sites along the county’s western border, from as far south as the north Elverta area, and as far north as Lincoln. The dead bird was collected from Rocklin. Mosquito numbers have also increased in the past week, most likely from sustained higher temperatures. District staff have been moving aggressively to control immature mosquito populations out in the agricultural areas to the west, in an effort to stem the development of adult mosquitoes.
“This kind of mosquito and West Nile virus activity is not unusual for this time of year. We are concerned that the timing of this increase in West Nile virus activity comes right before a long holiday weekend, when people are more likely to be spending a lot of time outdoors, especially during the dusk and evening hours,” states Joel Buettner, District general manager.
Due to this latest development, the District is planning both aerial treatments and ground-based treatments for adult mosquitoes. More information about the planned treatment will be available on the District’s website
The Placer Mosquito and Vector Control District advises the public to implement the 3 Ds of protection:
- Drain or dump any standing water that may produce mosquitoes.
- Defend yourself and your home by using a CDC-recommended insect repellent and dressing protectively when outside, and making sure screens on doors and windows are in good condition.
- Contact the District for any additional help controlling mosquitoes around your home.
Placer residents can call Placer County Public Health at 530-889-7141.