The California Landscape Contractors Association is pleased to announce that its Water Management Certification Program is now available to anyone in California. In February 2009, the California Landscape Contractors Association (CLCA) introduced its Water Management Certification Program at the 30th Annual Landscape Industry Show in Los Angeles at the Convention Center. CLCA’s Water Management Certification Program was started in 2007 and helps meet the need to reduce landscape water usage by learning to work with advanced irrigation technology and a water budget. In some cases it also saves money, especially for those with tiered water pricing.
Despite recent rainfall, California is facing its third year of continuous drought and dangerously low reserves. With significant increases in population and reduced resources from previous years, our current water needs are exceeding our supply. On February 27, Governor Schwarzenegger declared a statewide emergency due to drought and directed state government agencies to implement an emergency plan. Like many cities throughout California Los Angeles Mayor Anthony Villaraigosa has called for mandatory water rationing and strict enforcement.
“In response to our state’s dire water situation, we’ve decided to publicly announce that anyone in California who would like to learn water management may now enroll in CLCA’s Water Management Certification Program,” said Executive Director Sharon McGuire. “Landscape is an important place to emphasize responsible water usage because most people over water their landscapes by over 50%. Although our industry is quickly coming up to speed, we believe by allowing cities, counties, water districts, facility managers and others who would like to learn to enroll in the program, we can better help California quickly address our water crisis.”
An important part of any community, landscaping positively alters the environment, reduces carbon emissions, improves air quality, protects the land, provides food, creates oxygen and sustains life. Plants and trees are also food and shelter for surrounding wildlife. Using water management along with responsible ecological choices including sustainable landscaping, grasscycling, fire retardant plant choices and more, our state can not only save water, but help protect our environment and shape our future.
The shortage of water is not only a big problem in California but also worldwide. According to the United Nations, nearly two thirds of the world’s population is expected to have limited access to water by 2025. The current water crisis remains one of the most difficult challenges to date and water availability is an important issue that impacts us all. So far, over 380 people are working towards the final completion of the performance part of the certification program – managing a water budget for a year. This program was made possible by the strong support of Ewing Irrigation Products, Toro Company, Hunter Industries, and Horizon Distributors Inc. who share a strong commitment to water conservation.
Tests and trainings are given throughout the state and schedules are updated regularly.