In a show of good faith and commitment to water resources stewardship, the Placer County Water Agency (PCWA) Board of Directors adopted a resolution, at its February 18 meeting, directing staff to take the necessary actions to achieve PCWA’s state-mandated conservation target, despite recovering local supplies. The action followed the Board’s decision to rescind the Agency’s declared water shortage emergency, which has been in effect since February of 2014.
“As an Agency governed by the California water code, we are required to rescind our emergency declaration when local supplies have been replenished,” PCWA General Manager, Einar Maisch said. “However, the statewide system has not fully recovered from the drought. As a result, we are seeking continued cooperation from our customers to conserve.”
In 2014, PCWA customers voluntarily cut back water use by over 20 percent. Since June of 2015, under order by the State Water Resources Control Board, PCWA customers have reduced water use in excess of 30 percent, vastly surpassing the state mandate during the summer months. The Board recognized customer efforts have benefited California’s environment.
District 2 Director, Primo Santini, noted, “Our customers have done a tremendous job and will no doubt continue to meet conservation targets for the greater good of California.”
Because the state’s largest reservoirs, Shasta and Oroville, continue to sit below their historical averages, the State Water Resources Control Board extended its emergency water conservation mandate through October of this year. At the urging of PCWA and other water providers, the regulatory agency agreed to review water conditions in May, when a clearer picture of state supplies will be available. The extended regulation contains credits for climate and population growth; PCWA expects a 4 percent credit that can be applied to its current 32 percent conservation requirement.
In other news, PCWA Directors:
Approved a joint use agreement with South Sutter Water District to operate and maintain conveyance facilities and deliver PCWA water to PCWA’s Zone 5 agricultural customers for the 2016 irrigation season.
PCWA board meetings are open to the public.
Information on PCWA board meetings may be obtained through the Clerk to the Board at (530) 823-4850 or (800) 464-0030.