Updated: Unfortunately, this resource is no longer available, due to cancellation of your community’s Network of Care contract. For assistance, you may wish to contact the most relevant social-services agency in your area. We also would be happy to offer any assistance we can, so please feel free to contact us at (415) 458-5900.
Auburn, Calif. – Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger recently announced the statewide launch of the California Veterans Network of Care website. The Network of Care Placer County version will provide veterans, active duty personnel, and their families with a one-stop resource for community mental health services. The web-based database lists social services and local agencies, who are able to list their information for free in order to help local veterans search for and locate a valuable array of services.
Placer’s Network of Care site is currently available as a resource to everyone in the community. Recently the site also added interactive modules on specific behavior health topics such as post-traumatic stress disorder and depression.
The new veterans site is made possible, in part, with funding from California counties through the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA). It is yet another example of a successful public/private partnership under MHSA — this time to benefit the soldiers who have so bravely served their country.
The Placer Network of Care site is managed by the Placer Collaborative Network, an organization of over 50 community based groups who work together to develop creative solutions that strengthen community.