The United Auburn Indian Community (UAIC) School is pleased to announce its accreditation by the Commission on International and Trans-Regional Accreditation (CITA).
‘This has been a goal for the UAIC Tribal School since we first opened our door,’ said Roger Bordeuax, Superintendent of UAIC Tribal Schools. ‘It validates all of the sacrifices that have been made by so many people to create this school and the many programs and services that it houses. It shows that we are doing all the right things to help create a better future for our children by helping to give them the best education possible, which is really what this is all about.’
The UAIC School has a hands-on learning philosophy that helps teach children in grades K-12 key aspects of Indian culture and foster critical thinking to prepare tribal members to face future challenges. The school houses one of California’s most extensive collections of Native American Literature, which is available to all children at the school and other tribal members. The school also offers Occupational Therapy, private instruction, homework clubs and several career and personal development opportunities and services.
‘There is no question that the education of our children is a top priority,’ said UAIC Tribal Chairwoman, Jessica Tavarez. ‘The official accreditation of our tribal school is another milestone to ensuring our children have the necessary opportunities to reach their full potential.’
To achieve accreditation, the school completed a self-study as well as an evaluation by several CITA officials. To maintain the accreditation the school will have to continue to meet those standards and stay on the cutting edge of the education process through monitoring visits and interim reports during the five-year accreditation cycle.
CITA provides systems of accreditation to promote quality schools and continuous improvement, which enhances student success. It is an international accrediting authority that is responsible for accrediting over 32,000 schools in over 100 countries.
The tribal school has been operated for just under three years and was accredited this year on its first year of eligibility.