Granite Bay, Calif – Conservative Republican Ted Gaines today announced that he will be a candidate in the Special Election to fill the First Senate District vacancy created by the passing of Senator Dave Cox.
“With record deficits, budget meltdowns and a stumbling economy, California is on the edge and we need to act now to pull it back and turn things around,” said Gaines. “Our political leaders in Sacramento have let us down and ripped us off. State government is too big and too expensive and compromising with the forces of big government is not the answer to our problems. This campaign is about who the voters can trust to stand firm for lower taxes, less government spending and a robust private sector economy.”
As a businessman, Ted Gaines works tirelessly for policies that help create job growth and economic opportunities. “California’s anti-business attitude needs to end. We need to encourage economic growth by reducing taxes and regulations that drive jobs away,” stated Gaines, who noted that the new senator in the First District could end up being the deciding vote on whether tax increases pass over the next two years.
“Since my election to the Assembly in 2006, I have worked hard to bring common sense conservative principles to the State Capitol,” Gaines stated. “I will not support any tax increase on the people or businesses of California and I will never compromise my principles just to ‘get a deal done’ or move the process along.”
The Governor called a Special Election for January 4, 2011 to fill the remainder of Senator Cox’s term. The primary to determine which candidates appear on the January 4 ballot will be held November 2. The top vote-getters from each major party will move on to the January ballot.
Ted Gaines is a small business owner and former Placer County Supervisor.. His family first settled in the Senate District shortly after the Gold Rush. Ted and his wife, Beth, have six children, four of whom are currently in college.
The First Senate District is comprised of twelve counties, stretching from the Oregon border in the north through Mono County in the south. Approximately 34 percent of likely voters reside in the 4th Assembly district, represented by Ted Gaines. The legislator who represents the second most voters is Democrat Alyson Huber, with 21% of First Senate District voters residing in her Assembly district.