Informational picket in Roseville
Roseville, Calif. – The California Nurses Association (CNA) has informed Sutter Roseville Medical Center (SRMC) it will hold an informational picket in front of the medical center on Thursday, March 5, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
An information picket is not a strike or work stoppage. Community members should rest assured that the activity will not impact hospital operations, as all services and appointments remain unchanged.
“Sutter Roseville will continue to provide the same safe, high-quality care, just like any other day of the year,” said Chief Nurse Executive Barbara Nelson, RN, Ph.D. “We hope that we can reach an agreement soon,”
An RN who works full-time at our hospitals with CNA contracts:
* Earns, on average, $139,000 per year
* Has the option of a comprehensive, generous health plan with a zero-dollar monthly premium for self and family
* Receives up to 41 paid days off each year
* Receives a fully funded, employer-paid pension
“We are in negotiations with the union for a new contract for our nurses. This picketing has nothing to do with patient safety provided at Sutter Roseville, which meets or exceeds state staffing ratios,” said Patrick R. Brady, SRMC CEO. “We work very hard to provide a good place to work for our nurses and we provide generous pay and benefits.”
SRMC has participated in more than 30 negotiation sessions since May 2014 to try and reach an agreement with the union. SRMC provided an economic proposal to CNA in December 2014; however, CNA has not yet provided a response.
“Sutter Roseville continues to believe an agreement can be reached, but that takes reasonable proposals on both sides,” Brady said. “Instead of reasonable proposals, CNA is asking for a 19 percent wage increase and doesn’t like the changes we are making to our health plan. Under our proposal nurses and their families would continue to have access to great health benefits at zero dollar monthly premium for themselves and their families.”