Placer County District 1 Supervisor Rocky Rockholm announced that he plans to engage his supervisorial district’s entire community in a quest for solutions to the county’s budget shortfall.
‘In April, I will convene a District One County Budget Task Force consisting of government, community, neighborhood, business and non-profit association leaders and advocates,’ Rockholm told a group of supporters Wednesday evening. ‘Through them and District One residents who want to participate, we will engage the community in a search for common sense solutions to our challenging fiscal difficulties.’
Rockholm said dwindling sales and property taxes, coupled with cutbacks in state spending, require the county to trim millions of dollars from its operating budget. ‘We need to maintain critical services, and we need to remain true to our goal of not laying off employees, keeping as many peopleif not all our peopleworking,’ Rockholm said.
Rockholm said his task force would make recommendations that he would carry forward to the entire board. ‘The task force will provide information about the budget to the public, then listen to suggestions from all perspectives about how to trim the budget wisely while nursing it back to health,’ Rockholm said.
He spoke at his re-election campaign kickoff celebration held at Basic Urban Kitchen in Old Town Roseville.
‘I’m not running for fame, fortune, or personal gratification. I am seeking a second term because I want to serve the residents of my district and the county to the best of my ability,’ Rockholm said. ‘I am retired and I can give my full attention to the honor of being a county supervisor.’
Rockholm’s re-election has already been endorsed by more than 25 local officials who have worked with him during his more than three decades of public service as a police officer, planning commissioner, Roseville Mayor and Placer County Supervisor.