Sports and recreation destination
Roseville, Calif.- Placer Valley Tourism and The City of Roseville are moving forward on plans to build a regional park with eight to twelve multi-use fields to strengthen Placer County’s draw as a major sports and recreation destination.
The City of Roseville and Placer Valley Tourism announced the complex will meet the latest California directives to limit water use by installing artificial turf fields, drought-resistant landscaping and use recycled water when possible.
The Regional Sports Complex, located along the western edge of the Roseville city limits, will serve youth and amateur soccer, lacrosse, football, rugby and various other long field-specific sports teams.
“This public-private partnership is an innovative way to bring an important civic amenity to our region, while having a significantly positive impact on our local economy,” said Roseville Mayor Carol Garcia. “The way the deal is structured, both the city and the private sector maximize the value of their contributions to create something greater.”
City of Roseville
The Roseville City Council approved its portion of the $35 million jointly funded project to be built at the southeast corner of Blue Oaks Boulevard and Phillip Road on Wednesday, April 15. The City will contribute 55 acres of land and $5 million from its Citywide Parks Fund, matched by $30 million in bonds and full cost of the operations for the life of the bonds, which will range from $700,000 to $1 million annually.
The partnership between the City of Roseville and Placer Valley Tourism will allow for local teams and programs to use the fields during the week and non-tournament weekends, while specific weekend dates would be held for tournaments.
“This project will be a game-changer for the region,” said Placer Valley Tourism CEO David Attaway. “Tournaments and events held at the Regional Sports Complex will not only give locals a great place to gather for sporting events, but will ultimately result in a boost in tourism dollars to local hotels, restaurants and retail in Roseville, Rocklin and Lincoln.”
Fiscal Impact
The sports complex will have an annual direct economic impact between $8 million and $12 million and will result in 25,000 hotel room stays for Roseville, Rocklin and Lincoln, according to a feasibility study by Ripken Design. The direct economic impact includes spending for lodging, transportation, retail, restaurants and entertainment. The construction and indirect impact on job creation will also be significant for Placer County.
“Economic development is one of the City Council’s top priorities,” Garcia said. “Adding a park of this caliber to a municipal park system that’s already held in high esteem statewide will not only enhance our quality of life but also have a significant ripple effect on our local economy.”
The artificial turf fields and drought tolerant landscaping at the sports complex will meet California water directives to reduce use by 35% as less water will be needed to operate the facility compared to similar sports centers.
“With artificial turf we will also be able to serve more teams as weather and regular lawn care won’t hinder players from using the fields for practices and games,” said Attaway.
To increase the safety of participants and spectators, 850 parking spaces will be located on the south end of the complex to reduce the number of cars driving in high pedestrian traffic areas.
Operation and maintenance of the sports complex will be overseen by Placer Valley Sports Complex, Inc.