Rocklin, Calif. – The Patrons Club, a volunteer arm of the Sierra College Foundation, invites the public and those interested in becoming members of the organization to attend their February 2 meeting, which will discuss and explore “Love Your Body Week” an interdisciplinary event organized and conceptualized by Sierra College faculty, staff and students.
The meeting will feature a discussion by Professor Megan Seely, chair of the Sociology Department at Sierra College.
The Love Your Body Campaign was started in 1998 by the National Organization for Women Foundation (NOW) as part of their women’s health project. The intent of the campaign, then as now, is to call attention to negative and harmful advertising and its impact on the body image and self-esteem of women and girls. Sierra College has broadened the original intent to include a weeklong series of events that celebrate our bodies in all their diversities – size, shape, color, gender, abilities, etc.
This year, “Love Your Body Week” will be celebrated on the Rocklin, Roseville Gateway, and Nevada County campuses of Sierra College beginning April 13 and culminating on April 17, 2015. Events will include speakers, films, panel discussions, student projects and poetry readings and a display of the Body Secrets of Sierra College.
The meeting will be held on Monday, February 2nd from 12:30 – 2:30 p.m. at the Sierra College Rocklin Campus in the Fireside Room located in the Campus Center (Building J). Lunch (which is optional) will be served at 12:30. The cost of the lunch is $11 and requires an RSVP. Please call Joan Edwards at 916-663-3408 by January 30th.
About the Sierra College Patrons
Formed in 1984, the Patrons provide financial support to the Arts and Humanities departments at Sierra College providing $5000 in grants each year. Grants are designed to directly affect students as much as possible. In addition, a $500 scholarship is awarded annually to a student in the arts including Music, Art and Drama. Three small awards of $50 each recognize outstanding students competing in the annual student art show. Further grants may be awarded during the year to enhance the services offered by academic departments. Since its inception, the Patrons Club has donated more than $260,000 to Sierra College affecting and improving all aspects of campus life.
Sierra College Rocklin Campus is located at 5000 Rocklin Road, Rocklin, California 95677. There is a $3 parking fee on campus. Parking permits are available at machines located in each parking lot.