Seniors First, a Placer County non-profit organization focused on providing programs and services for our area’s elderly, is continuing their holiday gift program for older adults in Placer County. The “Elves for the Elderly” program provides holiday gifts to seniors in Placer County who may otherwise receive nothing.
A Christmas tree filled with decorated with pull tags listing small but unique gift requests from local homebound seniors has been established at Seniors First’s office in Auburn. To adopt a senior all one has to do is pick a tag and buy an item listed on the tag. The employees at Seniors First will wrap and distribute the gifts before Christmas. Another option is to mail a donation via check to Seniors First, and notate “Elves for the Elderly” on the check. A group of volunteers will purchase the needed gifts with the money raised.
Jamee Horning, Executive Director of Seniors First, said “we think this program is important because the budget of many seniors is stretched to the limit today with the high cost of living, medical expenses and other necessary expenses and often have little left at the end of the year. It is such a joy to see the smiles on the seniors face when they receive a gift they requested. It really is what Christmas is all about”.
Volunteer Coordinator, Janessa Jordan said, “this year we have an increased number of gift requests but so far we have had a great response from the community. The requests are small, and to see how happy they are with the littlest things, that’s the biggest highlight for me.”
Seniors First is always in need of friendly, dedicated volunteers and financial support to underwrite programs and services for Placer County’s older adults and their families.