Auburn, Calif – A detailed sediment study of the North and Middle Fork American River watershed has been completed and was presented Thursday (May 17) to the Placer County Water Agency Board of Directors.
The study identifies areas of the watershed which, if disturbed, could lead to adverse effects on water quality, aquatic habitat and water and power infrastructure. The study recommends management practices to avoid or minimize such adverse effects.
The study is the result of a five-year collaborative effort of several agencies working together in the American River Watershed Group. Facilitated by PCWA, the study included participation by the Placer County Resource Conservation District, Sierra College. CSU Sacramento, the U.S. Forest Service and other agencies. It was funded through the state Department of Water Resources.
Thursday’s presentation was led by geologist and PCWA consultant Marie Davis, who introduced members of the study team, including scientists Stephanie Phippen and Tom Stewart who described methods used in the project.
In other business, directors:
- heard an update from District 5 Director Otis Wollan on water resource issues being addressed by the Sierra Lakes County Water District in the Donner Summit area regarding proposed new land development in the former Royal Gorge ski area.
- heard a presentation from Steven Poncelet of the Sierra Business Council, who outlined the council’s 2007 Event Series, which includes meetings and forums throughout the Sierra region. The council’s Vision 2020 Awards Celebration is scheduled for Oct. 19 at The Ridge in Auburn. PCWA is a longtime member and supporter of the 700-member business council.
- Authorized Director of Financial Services Joseph H. Parker to develop a borrowing plan for up to $80 million that would be used to fund water system capital improvement projects over a seven-year period. Further discussion and refinement are expected in weeks to come.
- approved an agreement with the California Department of Transportation that will result in a $48,400 reimbursement to PCWA for engineering services on water line relocations related to a Highway 49 widening project.
- voted to contract with Helicopter Flight Services of Marysville for aerial transportation needs on the Middle Fork American River Project. The agency sought bids from seven contractors and selected the firm from three bidders.
PCWA board meetings are open to the public.