Auburn, Calif.- A Memorandum of Understanding between the county and the Placer County Deputy Sheriff’s Association (DSA) was approved by the County Board of Supervisors last week. The Board’s action, at its regularly scheduled meeting will adjust benefits for the covered employees. The Board also approved mandatory, voter-approved salary adjustments for deputy sheriffs and other related jobs. The Association represents about 239 active employees, including sheriff’s deputies, sergeants, district attorney investigators and welfare fraud investigators.
The salary adjustments, known as Measure F, are tied to a salary formula based on an average of the salaries for comparable positions in Nevada County, El Dorado County and Sacramento County. Since the salary adjustments are the result of a voter-adopted ballot measure, the Board of Supervisors cannot adjust nor delay these salary adjustments.
“The members of the Placer County Deputy Sheriffs Association have approved contract agreements that will help the county realize real savings over the next three years,” said Garland Lew, DSA President. “Our members understand the difficult economic times that face the communities we serve and believe the concessions we have made will strengthen the county’s fiscal outlook and recovery. DSA members have once again shown that their true purpose is to serve the residents of Placer County.”
The adjustments take effect in February and March, and the memorandum extends for the next two years through June 2015, for DSA-represented employees. They include:
* Deputy Sheriff II: 2.33 percent of base wage increase (193 current employees);
* Sheriff Sergeants: 2.87 percent of base wage increase (32 current employees);
* District Attorney Investigators: 2.87 percent base wage increase (9 employees), Investigator Welfare-Fraud (3 employees) and Supervising Investigator Welfare-Fraud (1 employee);
* Chief Deputy Coroner — 2.33% base wage increase, (one employee); and
The memorandum approved this week by the Supervisors also includes adjustments to benefits for DSA-represented employees. These adjustments include:
* Elimination of a 2.5 percent Wellness Incentive Pay;
* Elimination of a 5 percent POST Pay for newly hired deputies;
* A 2 percent increase for POST Basic incentive pay for active employees;
* Changes in dental insurance premium structure;
The changes that will take effect in 2014 include:
* Move to a 3-Tier dental platform;
* Employees continue to pay increased dental costs for dependents;
* Increase in Rural Health Subsidy for Employees who live in Lake Tahoe;
* Incentive pay for employees with a Masters Degree; and
* Increase in compensation for Canine Handlers;
* Numerous rule and administrative changes
The County and the DSA continue to work together to develop a multi-year contract that furthers a sustainable benefit platform.