The Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Board of Directors swore in City of Roseville Vice Mayor Susan Rohan as the 2016 SACOG Board Chair and Sacramento County Supervisor Phil Serna as Board Vice Chair.
“I am looking forward to leading the exceptional group of regional leaders that comprise the SACOG Board. We have much work to do, including adopting the region’s Metropolitan Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategy. I have had the opportunity to be an active member of the SACOG board serving on the Land Use and Natural Resources Committee, and chairing the Innovations Task Force. The SACOG Board and staff have built a national reputation for leadership, collaboration, creativity-and will continue to live up to that reputation in 2016,” said Rohan.
First elected to the Roseville City Council in 2010, Rohan has served as vice mayor and mayor, and was re-elected in 2014. She is the founder and owner of a public affairs consulting business. Previously, she was the Vice President of Government and Environmental Affairs for the Del Webb Corporation, a member of the Roseville Public Utilities Commissions from 2007-2010, served on the Roseville Community Standards Visioning Committee, and was a member of the Placer County Economic Commission. Rohan’s strong commitment to public service and business excellence is exemplified through her various awards, including 2014 Woman of the Year Award by the California Legislature for Assembly District 4, 2013 Salvation Army Spirit of Caring Award, Roseville Chamber of Commerce Award, and Placer County Economic Development Board private Sector Business Award. Rohan is natively from Nebraska and attended the University of Nebraska. She and her family have lived in Roseville since 1988.
SACOG Vice Chair Phil Serna added, “I am humbled that my colleagues from around our region have placed their confidence in me. I welcome the opportunity to help lead the organization and carry out SACOG’s mission.”
Supervisor Phil Serna was elected to the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors in 2010 and re-elected in 2014. A native Sacramentan, he attended California State University Sacramento before receiving his Masters in City and Regional Planning from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. In addition to being a County Supervisor, Serna serves on a number of other boards and commissions including chairing the Sacramento First 5 Commission, the Sacramento Regional Transit District, and the Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency. In 2013, California Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr. appointed Serna as the first ever Sacramento area representative to the California Air Resources Board. He is passionate about sustainable transportation and land use planning, public health, social services, public safety and environmental protection.
The SACOG Board of Directors meets on the third Thursday of each month at 9:30 a.m. at 1415 L Street, Suite 300 in Sacramento, unless otherwise noticed. Board meetings are open to the public. Agendas and minutes may be obtained by visiting or by calling (916) 321-9000.
*News Release