Roseville Police report that they are continuing to have a lot of mail thefts in our area and the region.
Roseville works with the U.S. Postal Inspection Service to stop mail thefts, and encourage residents to report mail theft or mail box tampering both, your local police department, and to the postal inspectors at (877)876-2455 extension 3.
Here are some tips from the postal inspectors to protect your mail:
- Use the letter slots inside your post office for your mail, or a more secure curbside collection box, or hand it to a letter carrier.
- Pick up your mail promptly after delivery. Don’t leave it in your mailbox overnight.
- If you’re expecting checks, credit cards or other negotiable items, ask a trusted friend or neighbor to pick up your mail.
- If you don’t receive a check or other valuable mail you’re expecting, contact the sender immediately.
- If you change your address, immediately notify your Post Office and anyone with whom you do business via the mail.
- Don’t send cash in the mail.
- Tell the postal service when you’ll be out of town, so they can hold your mail until you return.
- Consider starting a neighborhood watch program. By exchanging work and vacation schedules with trusted friends and neighbors, you can watch each other’s mailboxes and homes. For information on Neighborhood Watch, call (916)774-5050.
Catalytic Converter Thefts
Unfortunately, catalytic converter thieves are busy again.
If you drive one of the most often targeted vehicles (older Toyota trucks and SUVs, and Dodge trucks), park in the garage if at all possible, and make an appointment at one of our partner auto service centers to have your converter etched and painted for free. You might also want to talk to your auto shop about having them weld a thin strip of rebar across your catalytic converter assembly-they will charge for this service.
Nothing will make your catalytic converter thief-proof, but etching them may make them less attractive to thieves and more easily identifiable as stolen property if they’re stolen, and the rebar will slow thieves down and make their removal a very loud, messy, protracted business. Partner auto shops are Roseville Toyota and Auto Nation Dodge at the Roseville Automall, Napa Auto Service on Riverside, and Bridgestone Auto Service on Washington Boulevard.