Sacramento, Calif. - During today’s 2010 Project of the Year Awards luncheon, the Sacramento Chapter of the American Public Works Association announced Riverside Avenue Streetscape/Infrastructure Improvement Project in Roseville as a Project of the Year Award recipient.
The project, a partnership between the City of Roseville Planning and Redevelopment Department and Riverside Steering Committee, was awarded in the large agency, transportation project category and of $2 to $10 million division. It was completed in April 2010.
The project area included portions of Riverside Avenue and the adjacent alleyways that extend from Darling Way to Douglas Boulevard. The project improved Riverside Avenue by using landscaping, lighting, street furniture and signage to beautify and become more pedestrian friendly.
The Riverside Steering Committee was a group of fifteen local residents, business owners, property owners and City officials.
The project was selected based on physical structures and facilities, construction management and control techniques, safety performance, environmental considerations, community relations and unusual accomplishments.
About APWA
The American Public Works Association ( is a not-for-profit, international organization of more than 29,500 members involved in the field of public works. The Sacramento Chapter was founded in 1965 and has over 600 members. The chapter extends west to Yolo County, east to the Nevada border, north to the Oregon border and south to San Joaquin County. APWA serves its members by promoting professional excellence and public awareness through education, advocacy and the exchange of knowledge.