Roseville, Calif. – The Roseville-Sacramento region ranks 2nd in the nation for incoming one-way truck rentals according to recent U-Haul news.
U-Haul customers steered their moving trucks toward two coastal states in large numbers last year, making Concord, Calif., the No. 1 U.S. Growth City and North Carolina the No. 1 Growth State of 2015.
U-Haul growth rankings are determined by the net gain of incoming one-way truck rentals versus outgoing rentals for the past calendar year. The annual migration trends report was compiled from more than 1.7 million one-way U-Haul truck transactions that occurred in 2015.
Concord was the third California destination to grace the Top 10 cities list, edging the Roseville-Sacramento area and Austin, Texas for top honors.North Carolina finished in front of Virginia, Ohio, Florida and California in the state rankings. Illinois ranked 50th with the most net departures of any state.
“The temperate climate and overall quality of life that North Carolina offers is contagious,” said Paul Smedberg, U-Haul Company of Raleigh president. “All the metro areas including Raleigh, Durham, Charlotte, Greensboro and Winston-Salem have experienced steady growth. It doesn’t appear to be slowing down any time soon.”
Concord enjoys advantages that many people seek in a hometown, blending the convenience and business opportunities of the Bay Area with the escape of the California countryside and residential life.
U-Haul locations in Concord saw 57.2 percent of truck rental customers coming into the city as opposed to leaving. Concord welcomed 7 percent more U-Haul arrivals year-over-year, while its departures dropped 5 percent over the same span.
“In conjunction with a great location, Concord remains one of the few affordable cities in the Bay Area and is surrounded by cities that offer sustained job growth,” said James Bostwick, U-Haul Company of East Bay president. “It has everything a resident could want or ask for and continues to improve upon what it has to offer.”
The rest of the Top 10 U.S. Growth Cities include: 10. Missoula; 9. Manteca; 8. Manhattan; 7. Henderson; 6. College Station; 5. Chicago; 4. Madison; 3. Austin; and 2. Roseville-Sacramento.
While U-Haul migration trends don’t correlate directly to population or economic growth, the data is a strong gauge of how well cities and states are attracting and keeping residents. All cities were considered, regardless of size.