Roseville, Calif.- On Tuesday, October 16, Roseville Police detectives went to Lake County and arrested a 33-year-old man suspected of planning to meet a minor in Roseville for sexual acts.
On September 29, parents contacted Roseville Police about a man they said had driven from Lake County to Roseville in order to meet their teenage son for sex. The parents had discovered inappropriate text messages on their son’s cell phone, including arrangements for an overnight stay at a hotel. The parents went to the meeting place and confronted the suspect before he could contact their son. The suspect drove away, and the parents contacted police.
Roseville detectives investigated,and found that the suspect and victim had met online in January, and continued their relationship via cell phone text messages since that time. The investigation resulted in the issuance of an arrest warrant for the suspect. On October 16, detectives went to Lake County and, with the assistance of the Lake County Sheriff’s Office, arrested Robert George Schmidt, 33, of Lakeport on a Placer County Superior Court arrest warrant charging him with meeting a minor for sexual acts, and other related charges. Detectives brought him back and booked him into the Placer County Jail on $400,000 bail.
We encourage all parents to be aware of the need to keep kids safe online. Most internet and wireless providers offer tools to help parents monitor and restrict their children’s online activity and cell phone use. Roseville Police officers provide educational forums for parents about online predators, cyber bullying, sexting and other cyber safety issues periodically.