Thanks to a tip from a City of Roseville employee, the Roseville Police detectives have arrested a man suspected of following and groping a middle-school student last Friday, when she was walking to school on the Linda Creek trail between Oak Ridge Drive and Charleston Drive.
Detectives arrested Quin Wilde Mack, age 38 of Roseville, on suspicion of sexual battery (inappropriately touching the victim) and child annoying/molesting. After he is interviewed, he will be booked into the Placer County Jail on $30,000 bail.
Detectives will also serve him with a notice excluding him from all Roseville park facilities and open space areas, which include the City’s trail system, for a year, as allowed by Roseville’s Park Exclusion ordinance. Police are not releasing his booking photo yet, due to the ongoing investigation.
Officials stated, “The safety of our children is our highest priority. We commend the middle-school age student for fleeing from the suspect and immediately reporting the incident to school authorities, Warren T. Eich school officials for their immediate actions to protect their student and alert their school community, and the City employee who provided the tip that led to the arrest.”