Roseville Police Department detectives arrested 18-year-old Colin La Grand Downs, age 18 of Roseville, on suspicion of making criminal threats, distributing pornographic material to minors, communicating with minors with the intent of committing a sex crime, and possession of an illegal weapon.
Roseville Police received information that Downs told a third party that he planned to sexually assault and commit other violent crimes against local male children. Acting on that information, detectives served a search warrant at Downs’ home, and found evidence of him sending texts of a sexual nature and distributing lewd materials to local minors. They also found an illegal billy club.
Detectives arrested Downs yesterday morning, and was booked into the Placer County Jail. His bail will be set at $750,000.
Detectives have not found any evidence that any violent acts against children have been committed, but the investigation is continuing. Anyone who believes that they or their children have been the victims of a crime involving Downs is asked to call the case detective at (916)746-1028.