Roseville – Despite the fact that the City Council called a special 24-hour “emergency” meeting designed to squelch public input, a dozen or more Roseville residents showed up today at 11 a.m. to support the Roseville Police Officers’ Association (RPOA) in asking the City to keep contract negotiations going with their police officers.
“Our police officers are extremely disappointed in the City Council – for their lack of interest in working with us,” Officer Jerry Wernli, President of RPOA, said. “It’s easy to say you support law enforcement, but today the Council showed us with their actions that their police are not a priority.”
In a City Council chamber packed with residents and police officers, not one person of dozens who spoke out supported the City Council concluding negotiations and imposing on its officers.
“Roseville residents came to our aide by writing emails and attending the last minute City Council meeting,” Wernli said. “We are overwhelmed by the support of the community and want to thank each and every citizen who stood up on our behalf.”
Police officers and citizens spoke up – each respectfully asking the Council to keep working to find common ground on a contract everyone could support. The final vote was 4 – 0 in support of imposing on the police officers, with Councilmember Pauline Roccucci excusing herself from the meeting before the vote.
“It says a lot about our City leaders that they would hold this emergency meeting at the last minute and at a time when most residents cannot attend,” Wernli added. “It says even more that they voted to impose pay cuts on our police officers instead of continuing to negotiate.”
As a result of today’s vote to impose, Roseville police officers will take home on the average $400 – $600 less each month beginning June 15.
“Roseville citizens are smart and will not tolerate politicians who don’t listen to the will of the people,” Wernli concluded.