The tragic Roseville Galleria Fire of October 21, 2010, has brought more far reaching attention to this California community of over 100,000 residents than possibly any other single event in the city’s history.
In another era, a mall fire would have been little more than a blip of news to most anyone outside of the local region. As we know, the Internet changes what we learn and read by providing instant access to a national or worldwide audience of virtual spectators, front row seats to the tragedies and triumphs of life.
Today, the Roseville Galleria Fire was the top search term in the United States as tracked by Google Trends. Searches related to the mall fire accounted for 4 of the top 10 searches nationwide.
All local media outlets most likely have seen a tremendous surge in traffic from the tragedy. Rocklin & Roseville Today was no exception with an over 8,000% increase in visitors during peak times and 1,300% increase during non-peak times.