Roseville, Calif.- International Association of Fire Fighters Local 1592, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 1245, International Union of Operating Engineers Local 39, Roseville Police Officers’ Association and Roseville Police Association sent a letter to the members of the Roseville City Council notifying them that they find it offensive that the City of Roseville has retained attorney, Mr. Timothy Davis, to be the labor negotiator.
We, as bargaining groups for the City of Roseville, can only perceive your contract with Mr. Davis as a direct attack on our labor force and are shocked that the City of Roseville would support Mr. Davis at the expense of the City of Roseville and its employees.
Mr. Davis has a well-worn track record of creating toxic relationships between city employees and city leadership. One need only look at the detrimental impact he had on the cities of San Diego and Santa Cruz.
The bargaining groups have asked that the Roseville City Council stop spending taxpayer dollars on a negotiator that demonstrates disregard for the safety and operations of the City of Roseville. They have also asked that the City Council does what is in everyone’s best interest, which is to meet the needs of the men and women who serve the City of Roseville every day.