Roseville, Calif. – Sierra College Guardian Scholars Program thanks the ALPHA DELTA KAPPA Organization for their generous donation to our Former Foster Youth and our students who struggle with food insecurities.
The Guardian Scholars Program provides services to identified and verified current or former foster youth attending Sierra College. The goal is to equip and empower Guardian Scholars with post-secondary education and self-efficacy through student support services and to navigate the barriers that can affect success.
“Our local ALPHA DELTA KAPPA – BETA ETA CHAPTER has been such a generous partner to The Sierra College former foster youth Guardian Scholars Program.” Said Dr. Linda Williams, the Sierra College Financial Aid Program Manager, and former foster youth advocate, “Each year they have collected donations to help off-set the cost of school supplies. Additionally this group opens their hearts and purses to restock our food panty to help our students who struggle with food insecurities. We’re so appreciative of their continued support.”
In 2014, Sierra College decided to update its Student Equity Plan to ensure that groups historically underrepresented in higher education have an equal opportunity for access, success, and transfer. Former Foster Youth were shown to need the most intervention and assistance in all areas reviewed. The adoption of the Guardian Scholars program is the result.
Contact the SC Foundation at 916-660-7020 or [email protected].